By Developers,

For Developers

12. - 13. April 2019

For the 2018-program, see here.
Feel free to contact us.

Knowit Developer Summit (KDS) is Knowit's annual company-wide software developer conference. The 2019 conference will be held on Friday, 12th - Saturday, 13th April 2019 at the Stockholm Waterfront Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden.

Practical information

The registration is closed. If you want to participate, please send us an email, and we will try to get you a spot.

If you have questions during or before the conference, please feel free to contact us on Slack. We have created a slack-channel, #kds2019, for everything regarding the conference, join us and get the latest news! No account on slack? Then sign up first.

Dinner. We will eat dinner together on Friday evening. More information later.

Name badges will be handed out in order to make it easier with names and companies.

Hotel check inn. You will be able to pick up your room key at the hotel reception sometime after 16:00 on Friday.

Hotel check out. Check-out must be done before 12:00 on Saturday.

Please stay until the end on Saturday. All speakers deserve an audience.

Be prepared to change room. We do not know how popular sessions will be. Perhaps we will have to switch the room just before a session starts. Please help us make it as smooth as possible.

A speaker slot may become available last minute. Do you have a talk that you can present? Please prepare to quickly jump in as a speaker.

We have, once again, made a cool KDS t-shirt. Please, just take one and note that there are different sizes for men and women.

Share! Use hashtag #kds2019 on twitter, blog on your company blogs and make this conference visible to everyone! There is lots of great content to be shared. But, please be careful not to share something that is marked as confidential or is customer related.


Friday, 12th

11:10-11:30 Welcome / meet and greet (room: C3)

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-13:30 Long talks and workshops

Room C3
Room 24
Room 25
Room 26

Create your own synthesizer with Rust (workshop)

John-Olav Storvold
Sverre Johann Bjørke
Thomas Tøkje

13:30-13:40 Break

13:40-14:10 Short talks and continued workshops

Room C3
Room 24
Room 26

Create your own synthesizer with Rust (workshop) (continued)

John-Olav Storvold
Sverre Johann Bjørke
Thomas Tøkje

14:10-14:30 Break

14:30-15:30 Long talks/Short talks

Room C3

GPGPU with WebGL 2.0

Jens Kristoffer Markussen
Room 24

OP DevOps with Azure DevOps

Øyvind Kristiansen
Room 25

Kubernetes for developers

Göran Damberg
Room 26

15:30-15:50 Short break and fika

15:50-16:20 Keynote - Åsa Schwarz (room: C3)

Head of Business Development at Knowit Cybersecurity & Law.

Was appointed Security profile of the year (2017).

She is also a novelist translated to seventeen languages. Her last novel was the hackerthriller "The seven keys".

16:20-19:30 Break with hotel check-in, relaxing, waiting for dinner

19:30-23:00 Conference dinner

Saturday, 13th

09:45-10:00 Break

10:00-11:30 Open space (starts in room C3)

11:30-12:30 Lunch

13:00-13:20 Break

13:20-13:50 Short talks

Room C3

Technical debt in practice

Sten Christoffer Eliesen
Michael Johansen
Room 24
Room 26

13:50-14:00 Break

14:30-14:45 Break

14:45-15:15 Short talks

Room C3
Room 25

Route "66" to DevOps

Sari Alander
Room 26

WireGuard, VPN for the future

Sverre Johann Bjørke

15:15-15:30 (C3) Who wins most popular talk?!?!?!

Vote (will be open 15:15 - 15:25)

Talks and Speakers

Blazor.Net - Brave new future off web development

Fredrik Claesson - Knowit System Development AB

Long presentation (60 minutes), English, Friday 12:30-13:30 slot - room C3

Blazor is a new framework for building SPAs that can run C# code client-side in the browser as Web Assembly code but also server side (with or without webserver)
I this talk I'll go through the concepts around Blazor and Web Assebly and compare the different hosting and runtime options. You will also see some live code examples on how routing, binding, components, re-use, dependency injection, JavaScript interop works. And the grande finale, I'll show what it takes to build a desktop client by using Electron
Difficulty: Intermediate

Human skills for better password practise

Cecilie Wian - Kowit Consulting Bergen

Long presentation (60 minutes), English, Friday 12:30-13:30 slot - room 24

Humans are called the weakest link in any secure system. There fore password policies try to force users to make more secure passwords. Forcing the user is not very sucsessfull, instead of making passwords difficult for computers, policies leads to difficult passwords for users. Users struggle to remember passwords, leading them to use common phrases, shorten passwords, and reuse passwords. Making passwords even more insecure We know people are bad at passwords, but what are they good at? In my presentation i will discuss why user interfaces invites to bad password practises, before moving on to talk about human skills that can be used to shape users actions into more secure behaviour. Then giving exsamples of ways of making userfiendly security.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Ux, Security, emotional design

Designa skalbara system med Azure: Insikter från tre projekt

Magnus Backeus - Knowit Development AB

Long presentation (60 minutes), Swedish, Friday 12:30-13:30 slot - room 25

Som arkitekt i de tre senaste projekten, har jag samlat på mig insikter som jag känner är värda att dela med mig till er. Både bra och dåliga erfarenheter som kan hjälpa er startsträcka bli kortare och rakare. Jag djupdyker ned i kod men också håller helhetsperspektivet kring arkitektur och motiverar vissa beslut. Min förhoppning är att efter seminariet har ni samlat in kunskaper och mod för att ta er an nya utmaningar med Azure
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: Azure, IoT, Scalability, Performance, Architecture, EventHub, ServiceBus, Azure Functions, Azure Storage, CosmoDb

Create your own synthesizer with Rust (workshop)

John-Olav Storvold - Sverre Johann Bjørke - Thomas Tøkje - Knowit Objectnet AS

Workshop (90 minutes), English, Friday 12:30-13:30 slot - room 26

Rust is a reliable systems programming language providing bare-metal performance in a modern wrapping. It guarantees memory and thread-safety without garbage collection, offers great tooling and an amazing community — in fact, Rust has been voted the most loved programming language according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey three years in a row. The language is experiencing rapid adaptation in multiple industries ranging from game development to backend systems. In this workshop, we will explore Rust and create a simple synthesizer that can be played with your computer keyboard. We will also implement rudimentary sound effects. The goal of this workshop is to learn some of the basics of Rust through a hands-on project, and no prior knowledge of Rust or audio processing is required.
We start off with some basic sound theory ~ 15 min We then have a fundamental introduction to Rust, focusing on the aspects required to complete the tasks. For the remainder of the time we assist the participants as they progress through the tasks. When opportune, we will present our proposed solution for the tasks, giving those who lag behind the opportunity to catch up.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: rust,audio,synthesizer,hands-on,real-time

From monolith to microservices in finance

Henning Johan Kvalheim - Amende

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Friday 13:40-14:10 slot - room C3

Experiences of implementing microservices in one of Norways largest financial institutions. We dive into the nitty-gritty details, what worked, what failed, what still remains to be solved.
From monolith to microservices Boot, templating and scripting Build pipeline Security platform, JWT, tokens Technical platform on OpenShift with Kubernetes and Docker From on-premise to cloud Pros and Cons The Road Ahead
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: microservices

Machine learning in the underwater domain

Jonas Ekström Berg - Knowit Defence Technology

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Friday 13:40-14:10 slot - room 24

Combining commercially available sensors, deep knowledge in underwater systems and machine learning to create game changing solutions.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: Machine learning; AI; IoT; sensors; underwater; defense; defence; military;

Create your own synthesizer with Rust (workshop) (continued)

John-Olav Storvold - Sverre Johann Bjørke - Thomas Tøkje - Knowit Objectnet AS

Workshop (90 minutes), English, Friday 13:40-14:10 slot - room 26

Rust is a reliable systems programming language providing bare-metal performance in a modern wrapping. It guarantees memory and thread-safety without garbage collection, offers great tooling and an amazing community — in fact, Rust has been voted the most loved programming language according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey three years in a row. The language is experiencing rapid adaptation in multiple industries ranging from game development to backend systems. In this workshop, we will explore Rust and create a simple synthesizer that can be played with your computer keyboard. We will also implement rudimentary sound effects. The goal of this workshop is to learn some of the basics of Rust through a hands-on project, and no prior knowledge of Rust or audio processing is required.
We start off with some basic sound theory ~ 15 min We then have a fundamental introduction to Rust, focusing on the aspects required to complete the tasks. For the remainder of the time we assist the participants as they progress through the tasks. When opportune, we will present our proposed solution for the tasks, giving those who lag behind the opportunity to catch up.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: rust,audio,synthesizer,hands-on,real-time

En innføring i 3D-visualisering på Web

Ole Eskild Steensen - Knowit Experience Bergen

Short presentation (30 minutes), Norwegian, Friday 14:30-15:30 slot - room C3

Visualiseringer på Web har lenge vært forbeholdt til to dimensjoner. Og ofte er det nok. Men hva om en ønsker å gi dataene litt mer dybde og muligheten til å utforske dem også i den 3. dimensjonen? Biblioteket three.js gjør det enkelt for hvem som helst å lage visualiseringer i tre dimensjoner og inneholder flere kraftfulle abstraheringer over WebGL APIet. Dette foredraget vil gi en rask introduksjon til three.js og vise praktiske eksempler på hva det kan brukes til.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: 3d,visualization,js,javascript,web,three.js

GPGPU with WebGL 2.0

Jens Kristoffer Markussen - Knowit Amende AS

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Friday 14:30-15:30 slot - room C3

Graphics cards can be used to do more than just rendering graphics, they can also be used to accelerate compute-intensive workloads within fields like computer vision, physics simulation, video encoding, and the likes. With WebGL, the graphics processor is programmable directly from a browser, and with the 2.0 specification, as well as an upcoming “compute shader” extension, new possibilities for high-performance and browser-native heterogeneous programming presents itself.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tags: GPGPU, WebGL, Shaders, Hardware acceleration

Getting to know Flutter

Amir Roosta - Knowit Mobile Syd AB

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Friday 14:30-15:30 slot - room 24

Flutter is Google’s mobile app SDK for creating high-quality, beautiful native experiences on iOS and Android in record time. It is a free and open-source platform with a large and increasingly growing community and it is already being used for production applications; such as Alibaba and Google Ads This presentation intends to introduce the Flutter framework and showcase its advantages and powerful tooling which would make it a fast, cross-platform and productive engine to build production-ready solutions, soon even beyond mobile.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: Flutter,Android,iOS,mobile

OP DevOps with Azure DevOps

Øyvind Kristiansen - Knowit Experience

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Friday 14:30-15:30 slot - room 24

Azure DevOps has been chosen as source control and continuous integration solution for Knowit Experience Bergen. In this talk, I will show you how we use Azure Devops, together with some nice tips and tricks.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Azure DevOps, DevOps, Continuous Integration, CI, Git, Workflow, Agile

Kubernetes for developers

Göran Damberg - Knowit System Development AB

Long presentation (60 minutes), Swedish, Friday 14:30-15:30 slot - room 25

Introduction to kubernetes from a developer standpoint
Difficulty: Beginner

How does Blockchain work 101

Ove Holm - Knowit Decision Linköping

Long presentation (60 minutes), English, Friday 14:30-15:30 slot - room 26

A run-through of how Blockchain works and the idea behind it
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledge, Finance, Smart contracts

Scrumish? Whats so bad about that?

Marit Hellestø - Knowit Experience Bergen AS

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room C3

I went and got certified as a Scrummaster, and one thing I noticed during the process was that Scrum seemed very rigid. I thought about the teams I had worked in and how they fit into this rigid system and they just didn’t. So I was stuck with this thought in my head; Is Scrum-ish such a bad thing?
In this talk I’ll air out my thoughts on different aspects of Scrum, hopefully this can lead to an interesting discussion during Open Space.
Difficulty: Beginner

Surviving as the New Technical Leader - Real Life Stories

Michael Åhs - Knowit Amende AS

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room C3

Being the new technical leader is not easy. With lots of humor speaker will share three real life stories that all went pretty bad, including its learning lessons. Join this session if you want to learn how to thrive in a technical leadership role.
Will be provided
Difficulty: Beginner

Functional patterns and techniques in C#

Alexandra Dobrescu - Knowit Solutions Bergen

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room C3

What is functional programming? How well does C# support functional programming?
Difficulty: Beginner

VS Code can do that too

Stian Sanden Skauge - Knowit Experience

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 24

Ever thought that VS Code was just a text editor? VS code is a full fledged IDE for (almost) any language out there. Let's not look at the 2000+ language extensions and instead have a look at the features you should use in your day to day work.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Visual Studio Code, IDE

Why your next mocking framework should be NSubstitute

Espen A. Svendsen - Knowit Amende

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 24

NSubstitute is an lightweight, yet powerful, modern mocking framework for .Net unit tests. This talk will give an introduction to how you get started, and will demonstrate the most useful features and pitfalls
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Unit Testing, .Net, mocking framework, TDD

Santander - Open Banking and PSD2

Ben Yuen - Amende

Lightning talk (10 minutes), Swedish, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 25

What is psd2 and what does it mean for Santander Bank? - The creation of a whole new open banking platform for Santander Bank.
Difficulty: Beginner

Distribuerade teams - dos & don'ts

Victor Hultfeldt - Development

Lightning talk (10 minutes), Swedish, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 25

En inblick i mina erfarenheter av att vara en del av ett agilt distribuerat team och utmaningarna som det medför.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: distributedteam, agile, notallthattechy

The challenges of hybrid applications

Patrick Monslaup - Knowit Experience Bergen

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 25

Hybrid mobile applications created with React Native lets web developers easily transition to mobile development, but is this a good thing? This talk explores the mixed experiences and pitfalls which hybrid apps bring based on actual project experience.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: React Native, Project Experience, Hybrid App, App, Web Development, Javascript

Developing SpinSling in Unity - Experiences of a small team

Simon Østrem - Knowit Experience Bergen AS

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 26

A short overview of my experiences with developing a game in Unity 3D as a small team on our spare time.
This will be a talk outling the challenges we faced whendeveloping games with limited funding, time and experience
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Unity, Unity3D, C#

Q# - Down the rabbit hole

David Lund - Knowit Development, Stockholm

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 26

Quick look at Q# - Microsoft's Quantum computing language.
Difficulty: Beginner

Good ideas faster - A fast introduction to Google Design Sprints

Siddise Hirpa - Knowit Amende

Lightning talk (10 minutes), English, Saturday 09:00-09:45 slot - room 26

It is time consuming to come up with something new or change something old, and we often filter ourselves before the ideas are even written down. It's even harder when the product team is working in silo's. Google Design Sprints are all about making it easy to bring design thinking to your process, get people together and get ideas written, prototyped and tested faster! Can you keep up? TL;DR: What, how, when and why.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Process, Design Thinking, Modern Product Development

A paranoids guide to trusting open source

Rickard Westberg - Knowit Defence Technology

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 12:30-13:00 slot - room C3

What if you actually had to address all the criticism you’ve heard about open source software before you use it in your project? This is a story about what needs to be done, and a look at current and future CI/CD/DevOps pipeline capabilities supporting this.
Tags: DevOps, test, open source, security, shift left

The importance of a ml framework to move from PoC to Production

Mads Wiemann - Knowit Decision Danmark

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 12:30-13:00 slot - room 24

To reap the benefits of a proposed machine learning model it can be very important that it works 24/7/365. Having a PoC is one thing but being able to scale it such that it runs continuously in production with a stable and high accuracy is no simple task and one that is often underestimated. It can take lot of effort to turn a PoC model into a working model in production without a framework. In this presentation I will therefore dive more into the importance of a ML framework, based on our learnings/experiences from establishing one at E.ON Energy networks AB.
Difficulty: Advanced
Tags: Machine learning, AI, data science

Tell me the money! How I made my bank talk to me by way of PSD2

Anders Breivik - Knowit Objectnet

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 12:30-13:00 slot - room 25

Do you miss your personal bank teller? Me neither, but sometimes I wish I could hear a friendly voice tell me my account is not empty (yet). Thanks to The Payment Services Directive II, PSD2 among friends, and a bit of code, now I can. In this talk I will show I made my favourite voice commanded personal assistant integrate with my bank and talk to me.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Alexa, PSD2, Serverless, voice interface

Think Big, Start Small & Move Fast. Kickstart your Cloud Migration!

Joakim Berg - Knowit Cloud AB

Short presentation (30 minutes), Swedish, Saturday 12:30-13:00 slot - room 26

Getting started using public cloud is easy if you know what you’re doing. Joakim Berg, cloud strategist at Knowit Cloud, explains how to effectively migrate applications and workloads to AWS, Azure or Google Cloud.

Technical debt in practice

Sten Christoffer Eliesen - Michael Johansen - Knowit Objectnet AS

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 13:20-13:50 slot - room C3

There are two problems with debt: 1) Debt is troublesome to have. 2) Debt must always be paid back. This presentation explores the real practical consequences of technical debt and have you tackle it with your client.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Luksusfellen, Lyxfällan

Bygg ditt eget smartspeil med Magic Mirror og stemmestyring

Jan Henrik Gundelsby - Knowit Objectnet

Short presentation (30 minutes), Norwegian, Saturday 13:20-13:50 slot - room 24

Jeg har bygget mitt eget smarte speil i gangen hjemme. Dette er gjort med Open Source-rammeverket Magic Mirror og har integrasjoner med diverse komponenter for å vise familiens kalender, været og når bussen går, samt hvilken musikk som spiller i hvilket rom i huset med Sonos. Jeg går også gjennom hvordan speilet ble bygget med RaspBerry Pi, en monitor og litt snekkerarbeid. I tillegg viser foredraget hvordan speilet kan stemmestyres med Alexa, AWS Lambda (serverless)!
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: iot, raspberrypi, aws, lambda, serverless, hardware, fun, magic, mirror

TraceRobot: A Pythonic Test Automation Solution

Markku Degerholm - Knowit Oy

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 13:20-13:50 slot - room 26

We like Robot Framework because it is easy to use and has nice reports. We love Python because it's a cool programming language. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Robot Framework. Thus, many developers have been looking for a way to write tests in native Python and still come out with test execution trace logs, as provided Robot Framework. So here it is: TraceRobot. TraceRobot is a python module and a PyTest plugin, combining the best worlds of PyTest and Robot Framework. But beware, the project is still a PoC and looking for volunteers!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: python, test automation, framework, workshop, agile

Automated' UI testing in the hands of the customer

Håvard Olsen - Knowit Experience Bergen AS

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 14:00-14:30 slot - room C3

Automated UI testing is an incredible tool that usually is only available for developers. What if we gave the customer the ability to trigger, schedule, and orchestrate such tests? We are creating a platform with this exact purpose. This talk dives into the idea behind this, how it is built, and future possibilities.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: UI Testing, Javascript, Firebase Functions

Internet Of Things. From a Thing to the Internet. A whole flow by mobile data.

Wille Esteche - Knowit Development AB

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 14:00-14:30 slot - room 24

We build a small IoT system from a thing all the way to internet using mobile data. The idea is to show how a single flow works and to inspire you to make your own.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: IoT, Technical, electronic, code.

Speeding up your Entity Framework

Espen A. Svendsen - Knowit Amende

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 14:00-14:30 slot - room 25

Writing LINQ-queries is not that difficult, but writing LINQ-queries that are fast can be challenging. This talk will demonstrate several easy techinques of speeding up your existing queries, and what you should think about when moving forward.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: Entity Framework, .Net, C#, performance

Modern Enterprise Architecture at Statsbygg

Thomas Malt - Knowit Objectnet AS

Short presentation (30 minutes), Norwegian, Saturday 14:45-15:15 slot - room C3

At Statsbygg, the Norwegian Directorate of Public Construction and Property, Knowit worked to develop a new and modern approach to Enterprise Architecture, focusing on combining Enterprise Architecture with Service design, Design Thinking, Lean Startup and Agile methodologies. This talk is about that work and our recommendation for approaching Enterprise Architecture in a modern product development organisation.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tags: Agile, Enterprise Architecture, Design Thinking, Modern enterprise, Methodology.

Route "66" to DevOps

Sari Alander - Knowit Oy

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 14:45-15:15 slot - room 25

This is story of DevOps Journey. First, we look “Why” companies want to start the journey. Then presentation continues by describing “How” -part of change process on way to DevOps. We will shortly look what it meant to be Devops in several areas like: Culture and Motivation, Organization, Agile and Lean Development, Tools and Technology, Measuring and Continues Improvement and last but not least how to build DevOps skills and Knowledge. Finally, we will discuss all amazing findings we had during our road trip on Route "66" and where to start.
Difficulty: Beginner

WireGuard, VPN for the future

Sverre Johann Bjørke - Objectnet

Short presentation (30 minutes), English, Saturday 14:45-15:15 slot - room 26

WireGuard is a new, fast and simple technology for VPN. In this presentation I will talk about what it is, how it works and show how you can set up your own VPN.
Difficulty: Beginner
Tags: Security, privacy, vpn


Stockholm Waterfront Hotel


Conference Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers and organisers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Need help?

Contact anyone in the conference staff (look for staff badge) or use the slack channel.

The Quick Version

Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion (or lack thereof). We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.

The Less Quick Version

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff can be identified as they'll be wearing branded clothing and/or badges.

Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance.

We expect participants to follow these rules at conference and workshop venues and conference-related social events.