12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
A quick-draw designer and a cowboy developer walk into a saloon...
Maja Jaakson
Maja is a front-end developer by day and a sophist by night. She enjoys candlelight pair programming, long walks to the powerlifting gym, and annoying innocent bystanders with questions about what makes something a programming language.
Christian Arnesen Grimsgaard
Had Christian lived in the Middle Ages, he would probably have been a bard singing about how great React is. He loves pixels, pianos that light up when he plays, and drinks that are either hot or make him feel funny. He also co-produced his son, Adam.
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Datastyrt labyrint
Andreas Bade
Andreas er sammen med Iver Egge leder for Hardware Guild, en faggruppe i Oslo som jobber med fysiske ting. Han interesserer seg for produksjon (laserkutting, 3D-printing) og programmering av bl.a. VR og mikrokontrollere. Han har jobbet som utvikler og teknisk leder siden 1998 og har mye teknisk erfaring og god kjennskap til mange ulike rammeverk og metoder. Andreas har lang erfaring med smidig utvikling og har brukt smidige teknikker i hovedvekten av sin arbeidstid.
Iver Egge
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
The dangers of closed source and software as a service
Marcus Grenängen
Marcus is a long time software engineer that has worked around the world in various technical roles. Marcus has worked at Microsoft, written core infrastructures in AAA games such as Battlefield and Starwars as well as worked on open source technologies to name a few things. Marcus has a deep passion for software and open source and tries his best to try to make the world a little bit better, through software and services.
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Azure Devops
Stefan Sonesson
Senior developer/architect working with integrations and solutions for web services.
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
WebComponents in EPiServer using Handlebars and
Fredrik Högberg
.NET Developer, Certified Lead Developer
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Processing of Industrial IoT data streams
Christian Egeberg
Christian is proficient in .Net technology, cloud architecture, object-oriented software development, agile methodologies, mobile devices, Azure, web 2.0, databases, data integration and query optimization. He has extensive experience in the development of cloud services, web applications, mobile apps, three-layer applications, visualization of data, map integration, and SMS / MMS services. He also loves tinkering with gadgets like HoloLens, Oculus Rift, Oculus Touch, Leap Motion, wearables, and other connected or mobile devices. Some of Christian's photographs can be viewed at
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Retrospective - Designing 112 emergency application with focus on performance and security
Magnus Backeus
Magnus Backeus is a solution and cloud architect at Knowit Development Stockholm. Working since 1998 and knowit employee since 2013. He has passion for system engineering and try always to be reflective about what could have been done better? What did we do well? Never satisfied. Always chashing that Graal
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
GitOps in action
Jimmy Dahlqvist
I'm a developer and architect with a great passion for cloud and new ways of working. I love to share my knowledge with others and to be able to help them grow is really rewarding. Every moment of spare time I get i spend coding, testing new things, learning, and blogging ( I'm a notorious coffee drinker and please don't talk to me before my first cup in the morning.
15.10 - 15.40
15.10 - 15.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Jamsession - An introduction to the JAMstack
Ole Eskild Steensen
Software developer working in Knowit Experience Bergen.
15.10 - 15.40
15.10 - 15.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Using DCNN (magic!) for upscaling images
Simon Østrem
Web-developer with Knowit Experience Bergen since mid 2018, likes tinkering. I'm in no way associated with the software used here.
15.10 - 15.20
15.10 - 15.20 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
What to expect from Azure API Management
Håvard Olsen
My name is Håvard, I've worked @ the Knowit office in Bergen for almost 5 years doing mostly webdevelopment.
15.20 - 15.30
15.20 - 15.30 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
SOS Alarm
Johan Brunlöf & Johan Wilander
Johan and Johan first met during their time in Luleå where they both were studying for their Bachelors degree in systems science. Not only did they study together, they did all the assignments together, wrote the bachelors thesis together and ended up at Knowit together. At Knowit, they both ended up working as backend developers on the SOS project. Just like in any healthy relationship, it’s important to let each member get their own free time. Which is why when they are not working together, they workout together, grab a beer together or hang out with their common friends from Luleå…together. Johan (not to be confused with Johan) is currently still on the SOS project where he keeps improving the functionality of the application and is currently in the process of adding new features to increase usability and performance. Johan is no longer a part of the SOS team (on paper, but in spirit) and is currently a part of a team as a backend developer at TELE2 which is one of the biggest telecom companies in Sweden.
15.10 - 15.40
15.10 - 15.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
goto is good again
Robin Aaberg
Hollistic minded developer
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Electron and The Battle of Async Dependencies
René Räisänen
René is a frontend developer with a diverse background. He is relatively new to large scale projects and his forte is JavaScript, yet flexible enough to not shy away from work like DevOps, API-design and Team Coordination. Magic the Gathering is his drug and he enjoys, like most people, a proper coffee in the morning.
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Computer Vision and Image Segmentation with TensorFlow 2
Jens Kristoffer Markussen
Code monkey with a passion for computer graphics and real time software. Has over three years of experience as a graphics programmer and currenly spends much of his free time working with VR
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Getting the grip on Passwordmanagers
Cecilie Wian
Tester, Consultant.
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Business Intelligence from a developer's perspective
Wille Esteche
Generally I'm a full stack system developer. I mostly work with Microsoft platforms and have been developing .Net Solutions, Integrations, Microsoft BI, and even IoT solutions.