Talks & speakers
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
A quick-draw designer and a cowboy developer walk into a saloon...
Frontiers is a Bergen-based group of developers and designers with a passion for great UX, cross-functional collaboration, and taking front-end development to the next level. In this short talk, well introduce our groups ambitions and initiatives, with a special focus on the creation of the interdisciplinary Frontiers forum and a living front-end guidelines template you can start using today. Well tell you why we wrote the guidelines, how we found them useful them in a recent project, what we believe to be their current shortcomings, and how you can get involved and help us improve them, to everyones benefit. Our goal is to develop a useful, internal tool that will help you spend less time solving the same, old problems and more time blazing trails and addressing the unique and exciting challenges posed by your particular project. Join us at the frontier!
Maja Jaakson
Maja is a front-end developer by day and a sophist by night. She enjoys candlelight pair programming, long walks to the powerlifting gym, and annoying innocent bystanders with questions about what makes something a programming language.
Christian Arnesen Grimsgaard
Had Christian lived in the Middle Ages, he would probably have been a bard singing about how great React is. He loves pixels, pianos that light up when he plays, and drinks that are either hot or make him feel funny. He also co-produced his son, Adam.
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Datastyrt labyrint
Knowit Hardware Guild har bygget videre på det klassiske BRIO labyrintspillet ved å montere motorer og sensorer og bruke forskjellige teknologier (bl.a. 3D-design og produksjon, mikrokontrollere, computer vision m.m.) slik at spillet styres ved hjelp av en joystick. Presentasjonen bygger på innholdet i artikkel på Knowit Labs:
Andreas Bade
Andreas er sammen med Iver Egge leder for Hardware Guild, en faggruppe i Oslo som jobber med fysiske ting. Han interesserer seg for produksjon (laserkutting, 3D-printing) og programmering av bl.a. VR og mikrokontrollere. Han har jobbet som utvikler og teknisk leder siden 1998 og har mye teknisk erfaring og god kjennskap til mange ulike rammeverk og metoder. Andreas har lang erfaring med smidig utvikling og har brukt smidige teknikker i hovedvekten av sin arbeidstid.
Iver Egge
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
The dangers of closed source and software as a service
SAAS and governments influence over companies in a direct and indirect way are actually hurting people and businesses in various countries around the world and increasing the digital divide. This talk will take a look at why SAAS, especially around closed source software and services might actually be a really bad idea. Imagine the US introducing an embargo or sanctions against Sweden or any of the other Nordic countries, Microsoft and other large corporations will be forced to follow this. What will you do without access to GitHub, Office365, Azure and other cloud based software and SAAS solutions?
Marcus Grenängen
Marcus is a long time software engineer that has worked around the world in various technical roles. Marcus has worked at Microsoft, written core infrastructures in AAA games such as Battlefield and Starwars as well as worked on open source technologies to name a few things. Marcus has a deep passion for software and open source and tries his best to try to make the world a little bit better, through software and services.
12.30 - 13.30
12.30 - 13.30 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Azure Devops
An overview of Azure Devops focused on explaining the different parts and how they are used in an agile team.
Stefan Sonesson
Senior developer/architect working with integrations and solutions for web services.
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
WebComponents in EPiServer using Handlebars and
Providing better cooperation and tools for backend and frontend development in EPiServer project using modern techniques and open source products. Frontend development is done outside of EPiServer allowing faster iterations and better tools allthough the end product is still usable in the episerver project.
Fredrik Högberg
.NET Developer, Certified Lead Developer
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Processing of Industrial IoT data streams
About how to utilize rapidly streaming sensor values for more than just trivial value limit alerts. Parts architecture, temporary storage, precalculation, aggregation, performance and scaling. Based on real world project experience during the last couple of years.
Christian Egeberg
Christian is proficient in .Net technology, cloud architecture, object-oriented software development, agile methodologies, mobile devices, Azure, web 2.0, databases, data integration and query optimization. He has extensive experience in the development of cloud services, web applications, mobile apps, three-layer applications, visualization of data, map integration, and SMS / MMS services. He also loves tinkering with gadgets like HoloLens, Oculus Rift, Oculus Touch, Leap Motion, wearables, and other connected or mobile devices. Some of Christian's photographs can be viewed at
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Retrospective - Designing 112 emergency application with focus on performance and security
During 2019 we developed and deployed Swedens 112 mobile app with huge success. We hoped for 300k users within 6 month. We ended up with 1+ million users in a few weeks. Azures scalability were tested at its max with mixed result. The security constraints together with azure limitations gave us big insights how to design systems. This is a retrospective about our journey from idea to production.
Magnus Backeus
Magnus Backeus is a solution and cloud architect at Knowit Development Stockholm. Working since 1998 and knowit employee since 2013. He has passion for system engineering and try always to be reflective about what could have been done better? What did we do well? Never satisfied. Always chashing that Graal
13.40 - 14.40
13.40 - 14.40 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
GitOps in action
GitOps, the way to create and update infrastructure through pull-requests. Making Git the single source of truth.
Jimmy Dahlqvist
I'm a developer and architect with a great passion for cloud and new ways of working. I love to share my knowledge with others and to be able to help them grow is really rewarding. Every moment of spare time I get i spend coding, testing new things, learning, and blogging ( I'm a notorious coffee drinker and please don't talk to me before my first cup in the morning.
15.10 - 15.40
15.10 - 15.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Jamsession - An introduction to the JAMstack
The static websites makes a return, this time disguised as mushy fruit. The JAMstack, or Javascript, APIs and Markup-stack is a promising new way to create fast and secure webapps. This talk will introduce the audience to how a website built on this stack is put together. We will also be looking at a case study: The complete rewrite of Smashing Magazine, when they switched from Wordpress and PHP to the JAMstack, resulting in a 10x speed increase in page load time!
Ole Eskild Steensen
Software developer working in Knowit Experience Bergen.
15.10 - 15.40
15.10 - 15.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Using DCNN (magic!) for upscaling images
A practical approach to scaling images using deep convolutional neural networks
Simon Østrem
Web-developer with Knowit Experience Bergen since mid 2018, likes tinkering. I'm in no way associated with the software used here.
15.10 - 15.20
15.10 - 15.20 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
What to expect from Azure API Management
The best way to learn any tool or framework is to get hands-on experience. The second best way is to hear from someone who has that experience. Azure API Management is Microsofts take on an API-gateway. In this talk, you'll learn what works well, and what doesn't. I'll also go through some of the hurdles/challenges I faced while working with it.
Håvard Olsen
My name is Håvard, I've worked @ the Knowit office in Bergen for almost 5 years doing mostly webdevelopment.
15.20 - 15.30
15.20 - 15.30 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
SOS Alarm
We will talk about the 112 SOS Alarm App with focus on backend development
Johan Brunlöf & Johan Wilander
Johan and Johan first met during their time in Luleå where they both were studying for their Bachelors degree in systems science. Not only did they study together, they did all the assignments together, wrote the bachelors thesis together and ended up at Knowit together. At Knowit, they both ended up working as backend developers on the SOS project. Just like in any healthy relationship, it’s important to let each member get their own free time. Which is why when they are not working together, they workout together, grab a beer together or hang out with their common friends from Luleå…together. Johan (not to be confused with Johan) is currently still on the SOS project where he keeps improving the functionality of the application and is currently in the process of adding new features to increase usability and performance. Johan is no longer a part of the SOS team (on paper, but in spirit) and is currently a part of a team as a backend developer at TELE2 which is one of the biggest telecom companies in Sweden.
15.10 - 15.40
15.10 - 15.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
goto is good again
Goto is a magic tool that takes you were you want to be, now.
Robin Aaberg
Hollistic minded developer
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Electron and The Battle of Async Dependencies
As part of a larger eco-system we are developing a sales application for our customer. The first few versions were limited to being a web application, but as the project progressed we soon needed to communicate with hardware. Adapting the application to Electron.js was the chosen path. And so it began. Not knowing exactly what we had bargained for. We found ourselves battling concurrency more each passing day. Trying to make sense of how to juggle BrowserWindows, dependencies on detached servers, V8's garbage collection, and where and when to utilise this new wonderful thing called async-await except. The promise wasn't always kept. I needed a new weapon to win this war. I begun crafting, what I call, an Electron Bootstrap Sequence. Albeit my dragon is currently dormant, and my work incomplete, maybe my scars can be of help to others.
René Räisänen
René is a frontend developer with a diverse background. He is relatively new to large scale projects and his forte is JavaScript, yet flexible enough to not shy away from work like DevOps, API-design and Team Coordination. Magic the Gathering is his drug and he enjoys, like most people, a proper coffee in the morning.
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Computer Vision and Image Segmentation with TensorFlow 2
A look into whats new in TensorFlow 2 and a basic run down of how TensorFlow and machine learning can be used to do image segmentation for computer vision.
Jens Kristoffer Markussen
Code monkey with a passion for computer graphics and real time software. Has over three years of experience as a graphics programmer and currenly spends much of his free time working with VR
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Getting the grip on Passwordmanagers
Knowit have decided to get 1password as a supported solution. The talk is about why did we choose 1password, and what are the benefits of using this both as a team and as a private user. Last but not least; How do you get started and why should your parents and kids use passwordmanagers? Bring your laptop or mobile if you want help to set it up.
Cecilie Wian
Tester, Consultant.
15.50 - 16.20
15.50 - 16.20 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Business Intelligence from a developer's perspective
I believe that every developer should have at least a basic idea on what Business Intelligence is about. We go through BI as a performance solution and an architecture choise. Why BI exists, when to chose it, how to develop it, and what we develop. Everything from a developer's perspective.
Wille Esteche
Generally I'm a full stack system developer. I mostly work with Microsoft platforms and have been developing .Net Solutions, Integrations, Microsoft BI, and even IoT solutions.
09.00 - 10.00
09.00 - 10.00 (60 min)
Workshop (60 minutes) (60 min)
Rust and WebAssembly - try a system language in the browser
WebAssembly allows you to write performant code in your language of choice that runs in the browser. In this workshop, you will translate JS implementations of some algorithms to Rust, and see how the implementations run in the browser. The goals are to provide an intro to Rust and show how to work with WebAssembly in a web app. Bring a laptop!
Sebastian Ljunggren
Developer with focus on front end. Currently at Boeing, working with crew facing web applications.
09.00 - 10.00
09.00 - 10.00 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Identity and access management with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
Identity and access management can be overwhelming for developers who are unfamiliar with the field due to the amount of domain-specific vocabulary. In this talk, we will focus on the OAuth 2.0 framework and the OpenID Connect protocol. Hopefully, at the end of this talk you will have a basic understanding and foundation to build upon in this field.
Andreas Garmannslund
Andreas graduated as a nanotechnology engineer in 2016 and has been working at Knowit Experience Bergen ever since. He is currently a member of the BankID OIDC team (Vipps). When he is not working, he is planning the next session of the Bergen Dungeons & Dragons group.
09.00 - 10.00
09.00 - 10.00 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
Beyond JUnit: Writing automated tests for every layer of your application
Unit testing is a well known and widely followed practice these days. But how do you go about testing the functionality that spans the borders of your application? How do you test your database constraints, your database access code, your API endpoints, and the interoperability between your different independently deployed services? This talk presents a compilation of different methods you can use to write tests for every aspect of your application: * dependencies to your application, * all the layers within your application, and * your application's dependencies to other services (with a special focus on databases). It will be structured somewhat like a cookbook, with concrete examples provided. This talk will be useful to anyone who would like to learn more about the non-trivial parts of writing automated tests for backend services. It represents half a decade's worth of hard-earned knowledge from real test use cases. The talk may be particularly enlightening to junior developers, but more experienced developers will likely also stand to learn a thing or two. The examples will be in Java, but the approaches should be applicable in other backend languages as well.
Anders Rabo Thorbeck
Anders Thorbeck is a software engineer with seven years of experience, the last six for the consultancy Knowit. In his time with Knowit, he has worked primarily with backend and DevOps, and has over the course of these years piece-by-piece learned methods for writing tests for the more finicky parts of the code. This talk is an attempt to collate the sum of this knowledge.
09.00 - 10.00
09.00 - 10.00 (60 min)
Long presentation (60 minutes) (60 min)
The danger of order on the event message bus
Loosely coupled systems and microservices are becoming more and more popular. Event messaging over Kafka, RabbitMQ or Pub/Sub becomes a standard architectural principle for most architectures. Some systems promise that events are delivered in the same order as they are published. It is quite tempting to use them to synchronize data-sources in an asynchronous way. In this talk, I will classify three different classes of messages, when to use them and why a-synchronous data synchronization is error prone and hard to scale.
Vincent Nikkelen
After studying Parallel Computing in Eindhoven and Budapest, Vincent worked for Ericsson in Hungary where he held key architectural positions including TSP-Dicos; a scalable high-availability platform with a distributed database. In 2008, he moved with his family to Sweden where he lead projects developing new platforms for Ericsson Mobile Platforms. He worked for Verisure Securitas Direct where he was leading the activities to break down their monolith into microservices. He is currently employed at Knowit Cloud and on assignment with IKEA in their Cloud Enablement team.
10.15 - 10.45
10.15 - 10.45 (30 min)
Workshop (30 minutes) (30 min)
Rust and WebAssembly - try a system language in the browser cont.
WebAssembly allows you to write performant code in your language of choice that runs in the browser. In this workshop, you will translate JS implementations of some algorithms to Rust, and see how the implementations run in the browser. The goals are to provide an intro to Rust and show how to work with WebAssembly in a web app. Bring a laptop!
Sebastian Ljunggren
Developer with focus on front end. Currently at Boeing, working with crew facing web applications.
10.15 - 10.45
10.15 - 10.45 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Vi tar pulsen på Knowit Objectnet - vår interne dataplattform
Hvorfor har vi en intern dataplattform, hvordan gjør vi det, hvem og hvordan kan du bidra. Også blir det litt faktiske resultater fra data som er samlet inn og satt sammen.
Jan Henrik Gundelsby
Jan Henrik er en glad speidergutt som liker alt mulig rundt teknologi. Er for tiden Principal Engineer og CTO i Knowit Objectnet.
10.15 - 10.45
10.15 - 10.45 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
A Model for Technology Governance at Entur
How do you scale a technology engineering organisation with high cohesion and alignment, while following agile principles and striving for autonomous teams? At Entur we try to achieve this with 14 parallell development teams, transforming the Norwegian Public Transport Sector. This talk is about how that work is going.
Thomas Malt
Part of the Principal Engineer team at Knowit Objectnet. Experience as CTO, Technology Director, Full Stack Developer and Solutions Architect. Previously he as been Director of Technology and Development at NRK, CTO at Fronter AS, and Head of the Development department at Linpro AS
10.15 - 10.45
10.15 - 10.45 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
How to design APIs worth using
You have all seen them. API's with a wonderfull... documentation. You have begged, cursed and cried, but that API won't give away it's secrets and inner workings. "How can you create something this shitty?" you asked rethorically. And then you went and created API documentation with the same quality. Here you will learn how to start not being that person. How to create something worth using. What tools you can use to create an API documentation you can both understand and work with next year. Key learning points: - How to properly use Swagger and OpenAPI - How to do API first development - Proper use of Rest - Proper URI design
Anders Rønning Dahlen
Backend-developer working for Entur, with tech-lead experience from a previous costumer. Anders is passionate about code quality and creating user friendly solutions that makes sense to the costumer.
11.00 - 11.30
11.00 - 11.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Untangling frontend spaggetti
Complexity in frontend has steadily increased and with it components and views have become large and ugly beasts who I know have kept a lot of us up at night. In this presentation we will go through design patterns and ways we can structure code to make the monsters a little less scary. Examples are based on app-development with a team of 10 for Storebrand Helse and will be shown in React Native, but the principles are universally applicable regardless of framework.
Patrick Monslaup
Patrick is a fullstack developer who currently works with app development for Storebrand Helse. A big focus for him is using design-patterns and experiences from backend to improve code frontend and vice versa.
11.00 - 11.30
11.00 - 11.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
20 years of Architecture. What challenges did we solve in the past? How will Cloud Computing change the future?
What did architects need to worry about 10 and 20 years ago? This will be a short nostalgic summary of challenges we were facing in the past, then we will shift gears and look ahead. How will the Cloud help us solve scalability, governance and security? How do you choose a migration strategy? What are the areas you will need to consider as a Cloud Architect when helping our customers on their cloud journey?
Øyvind Eikeland
Øyvind is CTO in Knowit Amende and is responsible for the technology, innovation and competence development strategy. He works closely with our partners Microsoft, Google and Amazon and he is actively driving our investments within their cloud platforms. Øyvind has strategic focus in development of advisory and delivery methodology, and is engaging in customer projects.
11.00 - 11.30
11.00 - 11.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
(CANCELLED) Inclusive design - for developers
Your code can mean a lot more for a lot more people if you think inclusive.
Øyvind Brande-Lien
Øyvind Brande-Lien used to be a developer but reconsidered his career when he discovered the horrendous interfaces people had to put up with. He has been a consultant since 1997 and still works in different industries as a designer of user experiences.
11.00 - 11.30
11.00 - 11.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
How do I quantum?
Have you wondered what all the buzz about quantum computing is? What is motivating large companies to pour money into it? Is it possible to do anything with it yet? How would you go about doing it today? These questions are covered in this talk, where we'll go through the basics of quantum computing. We'll some basic terminology and expressions, a short history of the field, some alternative applications of similar quantum technology and finally concrete examples on a simulated quantum machine running on the JVM.
Erik Lund
Erik has worked for Knowit for just over 4 years and has spent most of his time being a backend developer for Oslo county. He likes to consider new and interesting architectures for microservice systems, but also likes to keep an eye on technologies running through hype cycles to see what ends up maturing in the end.
11.40 - 12.10
11.40 - 12.10 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Svelte: Small, fast and fun frond-ends
Svelte is a promising, novel approach to Javascript, designed for speed, short source files and tiny bundles. Among its many selling points are ease of learning and quick re-renders without a virtual DOM. Current big-name users include The New York Times and Godaddy. In this presentation, Eirik takes you on a quick tour of the why and how of Svelte: Why is Svelte different and how is it able to be so much smaller and faster than the others? This will amongst other things involve a quick introduction to Svelte's syntax and a short history of the DOM. The talk is suitable for developers and designers who code of all skill levels.
Eirik Vågeskar
Eirik has worked at Knowit Objectnet for two years. Before that, he studied computer science at NTNU in Trondheim. In addition to programming, he has also dabbled in playwriting, acting, journalism and music.
11.40 - 12.10
11.40 - 12.10 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Hey google - Building your own action for google assistant
During this half an hour speak I will guide you through the process of building an action for google assistant. You will learn the different building blocks of an action and the most fundamental do’s and don’ts. The talk contains some programming in node.js on a basic level, but it’s easy to follow along without prior knowledge in programming or javascript.
Joel Gustafsson
Joel Gustafsson is a front-end developer at Knowit Development Stockholm. He has a burning passion for creating visually appealing digital experiences that works for both visitors and businesses. Previously Joel designed and developed a virtual assistant for "", the insights from that project have shaped this talk.
11.40 - 12.10
11.40 - 12.10 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Edge Cases or Dead Angles?
What are we basing our decisions on when declaring something an «edge case»? And how does this fit with our understanding of risk and quality? Whether were scoping an MVP or reimagining user journeys for a legacy system, our work of finding solutions may easily lead to a centering of the product in the stories we tell ourselves about our users. This narrowing of focus can implicitly idealize our view of peoples needs and circumstance, in ways that are not always helpful. We take pride in relieving pain points - but dont as easily envision the pain our products might introduce or amplify in peoples lives. There are some edge cases that cannot be ignored, because the consequences are too great. And there are some things that simply arent as far to the edge as wed like to imagine. We can roll back the code, or iterate the product but we cannot roll back the consequences we cause in peoples lives along the way. By combining a risk based approach with compassion, we can learn how to make products and experiments that are safe to fail in the environment of real life.
Jorunn Mjøs
Jorunn Mjøs is a sociologist turned Software Tester, and is on a quest to make technology play nice with people. She is passionate about security, usability and inclusivity, in a broad and human sense.
11.40 - 12.10
11.40 - 12.10 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
How to write code worth reading
Regardless of skill level, some programmers write code that is performant, bug free and works great, but is very difficult to read and understand, and thus difficult to maintain. So in this talk I would like to share my experience and explain how you can write code that is easier to maintain. Code that is enjoyable to read and not just to write.
Christoffer Eliesen
I am programmer with over 10 years of full time experience currently working as frontend developer at Knowit ???????
13.10 - 13.40
13.10 - 13.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Moderne webtypografi med variable fonter
Variable fonter ble introdusert i 2016, og muliggjør bortimot uendelig med muligheter for typografien på en nettside. I dette foredraget skal vi se på hvordan de virker, og hvilke kreative muligheter de gir.
Sverre Johan Bjørke
Sverre has been working at Knowit for two years. When he has the time he loves to tinker with new tech.
13.10 - 13.40
13.10 - 13.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Private Information Retrieval
How do we privately retrieve information from a database without the database learning what information we retrieved? (Information theoretically secure approach)
Tarald Riise
New Knowit hire (aug 19'). MSc, specialty in Information Security.
13.10 - 13.40
13.10 - 13.40 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Testing in production
When your architecture, test and QA environments fail you, how can you deliver working code to production? Developing software in a banking architecture won't always allow you to test what you develop before going to production, but is that a bad thing? We share our experience in overcoming these obstacles and how we got comfortable with testing in production!
Andreas Kristiansen
Andreas is a developer at Knowit Amende. Loves to work in small agile teams and non-ceremonial development processes. Currently working to modernize Eika Kredittbank, with Henning.
Henning Kvalheim
Henning is a Senior Consultant at Knowit Amende. He is modernizing Eika Kredittbank, going from monolith to microservices architecture. He has been developing software since then 90's and love creating software for real users.
13.10 - 13.20
13.10 - 13.20 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
Should you render your React on the server?
Server-side rendering (SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR) isn't some brand new marketing buzzword, but it's something that's not understood by everybody, especially with the spread of client-side rendered apps. Why should you delve deeper into server-side rendering and what are the drawbacks? In this talk Im going to go through the different approaches and share my opinion on whether its worth implementing server-side rendering in a React App.
Tommy Barvåg
6 years of experience in developing and managing web solutions. High level of expertise in .NET applications with extensive experience from JavaScript and related frameworks such as React, Angular and Redux.
13.20 - 13.30
13.20 - 13.30 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
Basic concepts in functional programming and how they correspond in OOP
Basic concepts in functional programming and how they correspond in OOP
Alexandra Dobrescu
Back-end developer
13.30 - 13.40
13.30 - 13.40 (10 min)
Lightning talk (10 minutes) (10 min)
Exfiltrating data from an airgapped system using magnetic fields
A quick rundown of one of the ways you could exfiltrate data from an airgapped system without the use of convential means.
Alexander Grahn
Alexander Grahn works in the defense industry for Knowit Dataunit.
14.00 - 14.30
14.00 - 14.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Flutter here, Flutter there, Flutter [Almost!] everywhere
Flutter is Google's SDK for developing high-quality, fast and beautiful multi-platform applications in record time with a single codebase. Started as one of Google's side-projects, Flutter is now a stable, open-source platform with a huge community built around it, actively contributing to the project. Flutter also utilized declarative syntax for building the UI, enabling the developers to create beautiful user interfaces with minimal effort that works seamlessly on both Android and iOS. A successful concept that inspired SwiftUI and JetpackCompose. In this talk, we will go through a quick brief introduction of Flutter and what makes it a powerful multi-platform framework. Afterward, as Flutter is now officially supporting web, I will demonstrate creating a responsive application that exports to Andoird, iOS, and Web, interacting with one another; all using one single codebase.
Amir Roosta
Amir Roosta is an Android and .net developer who is passionate about new technologies that actually work! He's been working with Flutter since when it was at its beta stage and has been utilizing the framework for his side projects and enjoyed it ever since. He was a speaker at last year's KDS as well.
14.00 - 14.30
14.00 - 14.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Lottie.js - Realtime SVG animations.
Lottie is an Web, iOS, Android, and React Native library that renders After Effects animations in real time, allowing apps to use animations as easily as they use static images. In the past, building complex animations for Web, Android, iOS, and React Native apps was a difficult and lengthy process. You either had to add bulky image files for each screen size or write a thousand lines of brittle, hard-to-maintain code. Because of this, most apps werent using animation despite it being a powerful tool for communicating ideas and creating compelling user experiences. Lottie uses animation data exported as JSON files from an open-source After Effects extension called Bodymovin. The extension is bundled with a JavaScript player that can render the animations realtime on the web. Lottie allows engineers to build richer animations without the painstaking overhead of re-writing them. Join this talk and learn how you can utilize Lottie for your projects.
Steffen Andre Hagen
Steffen Andre Hagen is a film director, UX designer and front end developer at Knowit Experience Bergen.
14.00 - 14.30
14.00 - 14.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
React eller Vue?
Under 2019 deltog ca 90 000 utvecklare i en omröstning kring vilket webb-ramverk de gillade bäst. React.js hamnade på plats 1 med Vue.js hack i häl efter sig på plats 2 (Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019). Vad är React och Vue? Vad är de främsta egenskaperna som skiljer dem åt? Vilket av dem lämpar sig bäst för ditt teams nästa frontend-projekt? Häng med på en jämförande upptäcktsfärd där vi söker efter svaren!
Viktor Sandström Romild
Viktor Sandström Romild is a developer working for Knowit Uppsala, Sweden.
14.00 - 14.30
14.00 - 14.30 (30 min)
Short presentation (30 minutes) (30 min)
Intro to Blazor
Intro to Blazor
Endre Vestbø